Wednesday, November 29, 2017

It's Wintertime! Happy Holdays/Christmas Playlist Now Available on NOGGIN

Snow is falling and friends are calling. It's holiday time on NOGGIN! Stream all your child's favorite holiday themed episodes with a festive flare!

Videos include:
FULL EPISODESAllegra's WIndwo "Waiting For Grandma" and "Mr. Cook's Christmas"
The Backyardigans "The Secret of Snow" and "Action Elves Save Christmas Eve"
Blaze and the Monster Machines "A Monster Machine Christmas"
Blue's Clues "A Snowy Day" "Blue's Big Holiday" and "Blue's FIrst Holiday"
Blue's Room "Holiday Wishes'
Bubble Guppies "Happy Holidays Mr Grumpfish" and "A Very Guppy Christmas"
Dora the Explorer "A Present for Santa" and "Dora's Christmas Carol ADventure"
Franklin "Franklin's Christmas Gift" and "Franklin's Magic Christmas"
Go Diego Go "Diego Saves Christmas"
Gullah Gullah Island "A Gullah Gullah Christmas"
Little Bear "The North Pole" "The Snowball Fight"
Miffy & Friends "Miffy In The Snow", "Miffy and the 3 Christmas Trees" and "The Christmas Book (2 versions)
Miss Spider "Bah Humbug!"
Mofy "Santa Clause Comes To The Forest"
Ni-Hao, Kai-Lan "The Snowiest Ride"
Oswald "Catrina's First Snow"
Peppa Pig "Peppa's Christmas", "Santa's Grotto/Santa's Visit" and "Mr. Potato's Christmas Show"
Play Along with Sam "Sam's Family Christmas"
Pocoyo "Everyone's Present"
Robot & Monster "Baconmas"
Team Umizoomi "A Sledding Snow Day" and "Santa's Little FIxers"
Teletubbies "Making Christmas Cards", "Hannakah", "Carol Singing", "Christmas Tree" and "Crackers"          
Tickety Toc "Igloo Time"
Wonder Pets "Save The Reindeer" and "Tchiacovsky's Nutcracker"
Yo Gabba Gabba "Christmas" and "A Very Awesome Christmas"
Zack & Quack "The Pop Up Christmas Calendar"
Holiday Shapes
I Only Want A Candy Cane This Yar
Warm & Fuzzy Song
Winter Is A Wonderland
Allegra's Window "Mr. Christmas" and "Deck The Halls"
The Backyardigans "The Ice Factory SOng", "Ice Lady", I Love Snow, "Snow Secrets" and "WE Love Snow/Finale"
Blue's Clues "It's Snowing"
Blue's Room "I Love The Holidays", "Jingle Bells" and "Spin Dreidel Spin"
Dora The Explorer "Magical Snowy Forest" and "NO Swiping on Christmas"
Go Diego Go "Christmas Rescue" and "Special Delivery"
Gullah Gullah Island "Christmas Day" and "Up on the Rooftop"
Jack's Big Music Show "Sing A Wineter Song" and "Polar Bears"
Play Along with Sam "I Can Hardly Waait" "Santa's Coming" and We're Wrapping Presents"
Wonder Pets "Nutcracker Friends (Waltz of the Flowers Parody)"
Yo Gabba Gabba "Christmas Is Upon Us", "Hot Chocolate (The Cults)", "Make It Yoursself", Santa's Coming" and "To Give A Present"

Download NOGGIN and join our 2017 Holiday Party! Running through January 3rd!


  1. don't forget moose and Sally "mooses Christmas"
    Roobot and Tiger Christmas
    Sally The Girl christmas

  2. Don't forget Zee snoring
    Moose snoring
    Moose really wants his presents
    Five golden rings
    Moose stockings
    Noggin hibernation
