Thursday, July 30, 2020

More Covid-19 Horror for Nickelodeon - SpongeBob's Kamp Koral Spinof POSTPONED Until CBS All Access Early 2021

Despite coronavirus starting to slow down a bit, Nickelodeon is still being faced with a bunch of unfortunate risks and restrictions in order to protect them from going bankrupt.

This also includes the upcoming SpongeBob spinoff Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's UnderYears, a spinoff of the 21-year old iconic sponge that follows his adventures at summer camp. Despite the spinoff being given unneccesary criticism for no reason at all whatsoever, the original voice cast and creative team with the recent showrunner Vincent Waller will be working on the spinoff as well.

It was originally slated at the Nickelodeon Upfront 2020 to have a July release date, but since then the JUly premiere has been cancelled and postponed, according to NickAlive and Anime Superhero Forums.

Now, Nickelodeon unfortunately has no choice. They decided to give streaming network a chance to air the spinoff. The premiere has been rescheduled to early 2021.

CBS All Access will air the Kamp Koral spinoff and The SpongeBob Movie 3: Sponge on the Run will be released in early 2021. The third movie and spinoff have been delayed multiple times since the start of the coronavirus on March 16, 2020.

The spinoff will premiere probably inbetween January-April 2021 since thats when the early portions of the year take effect.

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